There are 14 mathematicians whose last name begin with WILT.

Wilt, Christopher University of New Hampshire 2014
Wilterdink, Jan Universiteit Leiden 1953
Wiltgen, Bryan Georgia Institute of Technology 2018
Wiltheiss, Eduard Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 1879
Wilting, Harm Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 1996
Wilton, David University of Oxford 1974
Wilton, David Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1969
Wilton, Henry University of London 2006
Wiltschi, Klaus Universität Graz 1998
Wiltse, Curtis The University of Iowa 1979
Wiltshire, David University of Cambridge 1987
Wiltshire, Jelani Florida State University 2010
Wiltshire, Ronald
Wiltshire-Gordon, John University of Michigan 2016