There are 238 mathematicians whose last name begin with WHITE.

White, Alan University of London 1959
White, Alan University of Cambridge 1970
White, Alexander Michigan State University 1999
White, Alfred University of Notre Dame 1934
White, Allan New Mexico State University 1974
White, Alvin Stanford University 1961
White, Amelia Rutgers University, New Brunswick 2013
White, Andrew
White, Andrew J Queensland University of Technology 2013
White, Anna University of Michigan 2022
White, Anne University of California, Los Angeles 2008
White, Anthony Carleton University 2000
White, Arthur Michigan State University 1969
White, Arthur University College Dublin 2013
White, Ashley North Carolina State University 2017
White, Barbara Cornell University 1980
White, Barbara Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1981
White, Benjamin New York University 1974
White, Bethany University of Waterloo 2007
White, Billy The Johns Hopkins University 1980
White, Brian Princeton University 1982
White, Brian University of Wisconsin-Madison 1973
White, Bryan The University of New Mexico 2014
White, Christopher University of Texas at Austin 2015
White, Christopher Cornell University 1995
White, Christopher University of Oregon 1967
White, Christopher University of Bristol 2017
White, Clinton California Institute of Technology 2002
White, D. University of London 1961
White, D.
White, Damien Universiteit Utrecht 1999
White, Daniel Bryn Mawr College 2021
White, David Oklahoma State University 1964
White, David University of Washington 2005
White, David Wesleyan University 2014
White, David Stanford University 1949
White, David North Carolina State University 2023
White, David Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1980
White, Denis Northwestern University 1980
White, Dennis University of California, San Diego 1973
White, Derek Université de Genève 1971
White, Diana University of Nebraska-Lincoln 2007
White, Donald Yale University 1987
White, Dorothy
White, Douglas
White, Edward The Pennsylvania State University 1977
White, Edward Florida State University 2023
White, Emma National University of Ireland, Maynooth 2008
White, Eugene University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1980
White, Frances The University of Oklahoma 1992
White, Francis University of California, Los Angeles 2022
White, Fred
White, Gentry University of Missouri - Columbia 2006
White, George University of Toronto 1963
White, Gerald University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 1969
White, Graham University of Oxford 1982
White, Graham Stanford University 2017
White, Gregory University of California, Los Angeles 1988
White, Harrison Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1955
White, Harrison Princeton University 1960
White, Harry Harvard University 1930
White, Henry Georg-August-Universität Göttingen 1891
White, Homer The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1991
White, Jacob University of California, Berkeley 1985
White, Jacob Arizona State University 2010
White, James University of Tennessee - Knoxville 2011
White, James University of Minnesota - Twin Cities 1968
White, James Yale University 1972
White, James University of South Florida 1989
White, Janet The American University 2002
White, Janis The University of New Mexico 1993
White, Jared Lancaster University 2018
White, Jay 2021
White, Jeremy University of Louisville 2007
White, Jerome California Institute of Technology 2011
White, John University of California, Berkeley 1973
White, John University of Texas at Austin 1962
White, Jonathan Imperial College London 2011
White, Jonathan The University of Oklahoma 2003
White, Joseph University of Tennessee - Knoxville 2014
White, Joseph University of California, Los Angeles 1981
White, Juliette University of Oxford 2000
White, Katelyn University of California, Santa Cruz 2015
White, Katherine University of Leeds 2001
White, Kathleen North Carolina State University 1964
White, Katrin University of Washington 1995
White, Kenneth University of Wisconsin-Madison 1973
White, Kenneth The University of Oklahoma 1971
White, Kevin University of Pennsylvania 1999
White, Kevin University of South Australia 2012
White, Kinnard Indiana University 1964
White, Kruger Flinders University 1994
White, Kyle North Carolina State University 2017
White, Laura University of Nebraska-Lincoln 2018
White, Lee University of Michigan 1967
White, Lee Australian National University 1975
White, Leon Columbia University 1964
White, Lewis University of Kent, Canterbury 2023
White, Lindsay McMaster University 2016
White, Lucy Université de Toulouse 2001
White, Luther University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1977
White, Lynda University of London 1975
White, Marion The University of Chicago 1910
White, Martha University of Alberta 2014
White, Matthew University of Pennsylvania 2012
White, Matthew University of California, Santa Barbara 2000
White, Maurice Furneaux University of Southampton 1976
White, Michael University of California, San Diego 2013
White, Michael The University of Chicago 1980
White, Michael University of Cambridge 1989
White, Michael Iowa State University 1971
White, Milton University of California, Berkeley 1935
White, Morton Columbia University 1942
White, Myron
White, Neil University of Southampton 1989
White, Neil Harvard University 1972
White, Nina University of Michigan 2012
White, Noah The University of Edinburgh 2016
White, Paul Teesside University
White, Paul University of Virginia 1942
White, Paula University of Utah 1992
White, Paul-James Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 2010
White, Percy University of Montana 1978
White, Peter Arizona State University 1990
White, Peter Oregon State University 1994
White, Philip Yale University 1983
White, Randall Florida State University 1997
White, Rebecca The Ohio State University 2005
White, Rebekah North Carolina State University 2021
White, Richard Harvard University 1956
White, Richard Monash University 1972
White, Richard University of Florida 2001
White, Richard University of Wisconsin-Madison 1961
White, Robert Columbia University 1954
White, Robert University of Arizona 1970
White, Robert University of Massachusetts Amherst 1973
White, Robert University of California, Davis 1987
White, Robert University of Southampton 1970
White, Robert Michigan State University 1979
White, Robert Iowa State University 1963
White, Roger Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2000
White, Roscoe Princeton University 1963
White, Russel University of California, Los Angeles 1999
White, Ryan Florida Institute of Technology 2015
White, Samuel University of California, Berkeley 1989
White, Sean Columbia University 2009
White, Seth University of Wisconsin-Madison 1994
White, Simon University of Cambridge 1977
White, Staci The Ohio State University 2015
White, Steven The University of Edinburgh 1990
White, Steven Cornell University 1988
White, Steven University of Bath 2004
White, Stuart The University of Edinburgh 2006
White, Susan University of Louisville 2007
White, Tad University of California, Los Angeles 1991
White, Thomas University of California, San Diego 1987
White, T. Kelley
White, T. Kirk Duke University 2003
White, T. N.
White, Toby University of Washington 2008
White, Tyler The George Washington University 2012
White, Walker Cornell University 2000
White, Warren University of Wisconsin-Madison 1967
White, William The Ohio State University 2000
White, William University of Mississippi 1976
Whitebread, Kenneth University of Wisconsin-Madison 1982
Whited, David Clemson University 1986
White-Fredette, Kimberly Georgia State University 2009
Whitehair, Robert University of Massachusetts Amherst 1995
Whitehead, Alfred University of Cambridge 1884
Whitehead, Anthony Carleton University 2004
Whitehead, Brian University of Connecticut 2011
Whitehead, Brian Washington University in St. Louis 2009
Whitehead, Carol University of London 1977
Whitehead, David
Whitehead, Ian Columbia University 2014
Whitehead, James Kent State University 1978
Whitehead, Jared University of Michigan 2012
Whitehead, Jennifer University of Warwick 1975
Whitehead, Jim University of California, Irvine 2000
Whitehead, John University of Sheffield 1975
Whitehead, John Princeton University 1930
Whitehead, Joseph University of Reading 2023
Whitehead, Karen University of Minnesota - Twin Cities 1982
Whitehead, Leslie Queen Mary, University of London 1939
Whitehead, Louis Monash University 1995
Whitehead, Michael University of Florida 1986
Whitehead, Nathan University of California, Santa Cruz 2008
Whitehead, Sarah University of California, San Diego 1991
Whitehead, Sharon Arizona State University 2006
Whitehead, Steven University of Rochester 1992
Whitehead, Walter Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1918
Whitehead, Jr., Earl University of Southern California 1971
Whitehead, Jr., George The University of Chicago 1941
Whitehouse, David Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1958
Whitehouse, David California Institute of Technology 2005
Whitehouse, Jonathan University of Minnesota - Twin Cities 2009
Whitehouse, Kamin University of California, Berkeley 2006
Whitehouse, Sarah University of Warwick 1994
Whitehurst, R. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1995
Whitehurst, Thomas Indiana University 1978
White, II, James Louisiana State University 1977
White, II, Willie Wayne State University 2015
White III, George Cornell University 1980
White, III, Chelsea University of Michigan 1974
White Jr., Lynn
White, Jr., George Brown University 1950
White, Jr., Albert Saint Louis University 1968
White, Jr., Andrew California Institute of Technology 1974
White, Jr., Halbert Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1976
White, Jr., Henry Purdue University 1965
White, Jr., James Auburn University 1976
White, Jr., John The Ohio State University 1970
White, Jr., King Duke University 1976
White, Jr., Raymond University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1969
Whitelam, Stephen University of Oxford 2004
Whitelaw, James
Whitelaw, Robert Stanford University 1993
Whitelaw, William Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1968
Whiteley, J. University of London 1959
Whiteley, Walter Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1971
Whitely, Patrice Michigan State University 2007
Whiteman, Albert University of Pennsylvania 1940
Whiteman, Charles University of Minnesota - Twin Cities 1981
Whiteman, Fred The Ohio State University 1988
Whiteman, John University of London 1967
Whiteman, Russell Illinois Institute of Technology 1961
Whites, LeeAnn University of California, Irvine 1982
Whiteside, Haven Harvard University 1963
Whiteside, Iain The University of Edinburgh 2013
Whiteside, Mary Texas Tech University 1974
Whitesides, George California Institute of Technology 1964
Whitesides, Sue University of Wisconsin-Madison 1975
Whitesitt, John University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1954
Whiteson, Shimon University of Texas at Austin 2007
Whitest, Beverly University of Maryland College Park 1999
Whiteway, Matthew University of Maryland College Park 2018