(John) Daniel Christensen


Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1997 UnitedStates
Dissertation: Ideals in triangulated categories: phantoms, ghosts and skeleta
Mathematics Subject Classification: 55—Algebraic topology

Advisor: Haynes Robert Miller

Click here to see the students ordered by family name.

Khavkine, IgorUniversity of Western Ontario20081
Cherrington, JohnUniversity of Western Ontario2009
Wu, EnxinUniversity of Western Ontario2012
Wang, GaohongUniversity of Western Ontario2014
Richardson, JamesUniversity of Western Ontario2019
Vergura, MarcoUniversity of Western Ontario2019
Scoccola, LuisUniversity of Western Ontario2020
Flaten, Jarl GunnarUniversity of Western Ontario2023

According to our current on-line database, (John) Daniel Christensen has 8 students and 9 descendants.
We welcome any additional information.

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