Júlia Komjáthy


Ph.D. Budapest University of Technology and Economics 2012 Hungary
Dissertation: Asymptotic behavior of Markov chains and networks: fluctuations, mixing properties and modeling hierarchical networks
Mathematics Subject Classification: 60—Probability theory and stochastic processes

Advisor 1: Márton Balázs
Advisor 2: Karoly Simon

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Baroni, EnricoTechnische Universiteit Eindhoven2017
Jorritsma, JoostTechnische Universiteit Eindhoven2023
Oláh, DánielTechnische Universiteit Eindhoven2021
Vadon, ViktóriaTechnische Universiteit Eindhoven2020

According to our current on-line database, Júlia Komjáthy has 4 students and 4 descendants.
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