Henry Laurence Lucas, Jr.

Ph.D. Cornell University 1943 UnitedStates
Dissertation: Studies in the Role of Fat in Lactation

Advisor: Unknown

Click here to see the students listed in chronological order.

Ashton, GordonNorth Carolina State University1955
Falter, KennethNorth Carolina State University1972
Fretwell, StephenNorth Carolina State University1968
Gosslee, DavidNorth Carolina State University1956
Grandage, ArnoldNorth Carolina State University195424
Greenberg, BernardNorth Carolina State University194910
Grizzle, JamesNorth Carolina State University196029
Konsler, ThomasNorth Carolina State University1961
Koong, LingNorth Carolina State University1973
Lee, SungNorth Carolina State University1967
McBride, LeonNorth Carolina State University1969
Metzler, CarlNorth Carolina State University1965
Morrison, RobertNorth Carolina State University1957101
Portman, RuthNorth Carolina State University1963
Rohde, CharlesNorth Carolina State University196439
Shiffer, IrwinNorth Carolina State University1977
Weber, DonaldNorth Carolina State University1970

According to our current on-line database, Henry Lucas, Jr. has 17 students and 220 descendants.
We welcome any additional information.

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